A Fat Old Lady Takes Up Climbing
(On hiatus during a long cold, icy spell)
March & April 2008

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The "spring" has been long and cold. Our final major snowstorm was on April 25th, and it was a doozy, leaving nearly two feet of snow in town, more in the mountains. In between snowstorms I was able to drive up to the Glen Alps parking lot and hike around the lower trails, but I haven't stood on a summit for a very long time. Fortunately, our city trails have a certain charm.

March '08



     Click these links for more March '08 pix:

The best thing about Anchorage is that it's SO CLOSE to Alaska.
DeeDee Jonrowe at the start of the Iditarod Trail Dogsled Race, 3/1/08
Two other woman mushers on the trail: Silvia Willis / Sue Allen
Ocean scene, with moody dark clouds
Ocean scene, with ice and snow, 3/12
Pushki puffs! Cow parsnip seedpods with fresh snow
View of (frozen) University Lake, with fluffy clouds and blue sky
These cute little redpolls have been unusually abundant this winter
Flattop Mountain from a GlenAlps trail
Cloud formation over the Cook Inlet
Just another pretty sunset...

April '08

More photos from April '08:

A thick ice ledge over Campbell Creek
Ducks find some open water to enjoy on a "spring" evening
Looking south from the Bird Ridge Trail, April 6th
McHugh Creek beginning to crawl out from under the ice and snow
The April 18th sunset paints the sky and ocean
The strange effect of a Mongolian dust storm on an Alaskan sunset, 4/20
Snowy creek scene on April 26th
A little tree, bent but unbroken, after the late April snowstorm

Back to Winter 2007-08  

 On to May