Back to Autumn 05

A Fat Old lady Takes Up Climbing
The Year Six Journal
Winter 2005-06


On to Spring

Winter moved in surprisingly fast and cold. I continued to hike around city trails, but not up into the mountains. Avalanches were common, and claimed lives very close to the city, even on my favorite, Flattop Mountain. Icy roads kept me from even reaching the trailheads up above the foothills. So here are some pictures taken along roadways or on city trails throughout this long dark season. The small photos have large links if you click on them.

November, December 2005

January-March 2006

All photographs are the property of the photographer, Mary Hopson.
If you wish to use them in screensavers or webpages, please leave copyright information intact.

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 On to Spring

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Back to where it all began in 2000
Enjoy the Flowers Along Alaska's Hiking Trails

Butterflies Along Alaska's Hiking Trails
Contact the Fat Old Lady